Looking Forward to 2016
This is a good time to look back at February of last year and see what I wrote about going into 2015. The message was about renewed optimism, higher sales, higher profit for the club and lower inventory as we began the New Year. Oddly enough, all of those messages are even more appropriate again when we look at how we ended 2015 and how we feel as we begin 2016.
Every year I also like to look at where the Seabrook Island buyers came from. In 2015 buyers came from 22 states and Canada. Outside of South Carolina, North Carolina brought the most, 17 buyers. As one Charlotte prospect, who was in our office for a tour, put it, “seems like every person we know in Charlotte is looking at Seabrook”. We had 6 buyers from Maryland, while Illinois (a more recent leader of buyers) Ohio and New York each sent us five new Seabrookers in 2015.
It was in February of 2014 that we announced Salt Marsh Townhomes would begin construction of a new phase, a real sign of renewed optimism. Salt Marsh broke ground in March on the first “pod” of homes and we quickly sold two of the three units and the third is being used as the furnished model.
A second “pod” is now under construction. Just recently Salt Marsh announced that a third, larger, 2300 to 2500 square foot plan is being approved. The larger unit will have a first floor Master Bedroom as well as a first floor Study/fourth bedroom. It will also have a traditional side by side 2 car garage. It is perfect for a permanent resident or empty nester. This will give potential Salt marsh buyers three size and floor plan choices.
Kristina Skalak and I just returned from Atlanta for the first of this year’s ideal-Living Retirement Expos. Most of these shows have been held in more northern cities and climates, but we thought we’d try out a more regional venue this time.
Hope y’all have had a great start of the New Year and that we can say hi at the Club annual meeting!